Shorewest Shares: DIY Autumn Leaf Mason Jar Candle Holders

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  • Leaves (fake or real)
  • Sponge Brush
  • Mason Jar
  • Mod Podge
  • Raffia String
  • Votive candle/battery operated candle


  1. Make sure the outside of the mason jar is clean and dry. The leaves won’t stick to the jar if it’s oily or dirty.


  1. Check your leaves. Stiff leaves won’t stick — bend them a little to loosen them. If they are real leaves, it’s recommended to dampen them a bit to unstiffen them.


  1. Use your sponge brush and paint a thin layer of Mod Podge in small sections on the mason jar. Once that layer becomes sticky (check with your fingers), place a leaf on the jar. Starting in the center of the leaf, push your way out to the edges using your fingers. You can use your fingers to smooth out the leaf.


  1. You can add more leaves and layer then over one another or you can leave some “white space” in between the leaves. Don’t worry about trying to get all the corners down on the leaf — leaves have imperfections and it will look more “rustic” when some corners are up.


  1. Let dry for 2 hours.


  1. Tie raffia string to the top, place the candle inside and TA-DA! Project complete.



Inspired by our friends at Spark and Chemistry.

For more inspiration, check out our Pinterest Board.



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