Seven Tips to Lower your Summer Electric Bill!

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summer sunSummer is finally here to stay! Are you feeling the heat when you pay your electric bills? Here are seven ways to keep your electric bill low during the summer:

1. Air conditioner. Your air conditioner may account for 40% of your electric bill in the summer. According to House Logic, an air conditioner set at 70 degrees can cost twice as much to operate as one set at 78 degrees. Set your thermostat to be warmer during the day while you are not there and cooler when you are home.

2. Air filters. Replace your air filters regularly. House Logic advises that a clean air filter can save up to 10% on your electric bill. Clogged, dirty filters block air flow and make your air conditioner work harder.

3. Install awnings over windows. This will help keep direct sunlight out and not expose rooms to the heat associated with the sun.

4. Ceiling fan. Make sure your blades are moving counter clockwise to push the air down into the room. However, when you leave your home, make sure you turn off your fan. That can add to your electric bill.

5. Lights. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.

6. Oven. When it’s really hot outside, your oven may make it really hot inside. Your oven can heat up your kitchen, causing your electric bill to raise. Plan your baking for the same time so that your oven is not on several days a week.

7. Washer/Dryer. Save your laundry for the evening, as your washer and dryer won’t have to fight with your air conditioner.

Contact a preferred service provider through Shorewest, REALTOR today, and we’ll help you transform your home into an energy-efficient home ready to tackle summer. #ShorewestRealtors #Summer #CostSavings

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Categories: Home Improvement, Homeowner, How to, Tuesday Tips

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