1103 N Main Street, Marion, WI 54950 $649,900
Features of 1103 N Main Street, Marion, WI 54950
WI > Shawano > Marion > 1103 N Main Street
- Commercial/Industrial
- Status: Active
- Mailing City: MARION
- County: Shawano
- Est. Square Footage: 13,344
- Parking: 0.0
- Est. Acreage: 2.18
- School Dist: Marion
- Property Taxes: $9,436
- Property Tax Year: 2023
- MLS#: 50295508
- Listing Company: Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group
- Price/SqFt: $48
- Zip Code: 54950
- Unit 1 Rent:
- Unit 2 Rent:
- Unit 3 Rent:
- Unit 4 Rent:
Property Description for 1103 N Main Street, Marion, WI 54950
1103 N Main Street, Marion, WI 54950 - Banquet Hall built in 2000. Wood frame with steel roof and siding. Main portion is 70'x176' with 12' walls. 12'x44' party deck. 30'x30' finished, heated attached garage. 3 roof top A/C units, 3 ground units. Interior has full kitchen, 75'x70' dining area, 2 bars, 2 large restrooms, walk-in coolers & freezer stainless steel equipment, office space and storage areas. Floors are mix of painted concrete, epoxy concrete, ceramic tile and carpet. Acoustic tile ceiling with fluorescent lighting, ample electric and lighting. Fountain system is leased. There is an easement agreement with adjacent Shell gas station for parking lot.
- None
Land Features
- Waterfront/Access: N
MLS Number | New Status | Previous Status | Activity Date | New List Price | Previous List Price | Sold Price | DOM |
50295508 | Active | Jul 31 2024 7:09PM | $649,900 | 74 |
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